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We are a community of like-minded believers who actively fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to preach the gospel to the poor and make disciples wherever we go.


We believe that this end time revival will be accompanied by life touching signs and wonders. Many shall be saved, healed and delivered by the demonstration of the power of God.


We offer prayers to those who need healing and we do outreach to the needy. 


Fulfill God’s Kingdom Calling: We are a community of spirit filled like-minded believers united to fulfill the God’s Kingdom calling and purpose.


Manifest God’s power through prayer: We believe that in this end time, we will see God’s life touching miracles, signs and wonders. Many shall be saved, healed and delivered by the demonstration of the power of God.


Outreach to the Community: We show God’s love through our outreach program to distribute food to the needy every month. We share the love of God and pray for the needs and welfare of the people.


Equip believers of Jesus Christ: We believe in training believers to understand God’s Word and release them to share God’s Love in the marketplace. Each believer is thoroughly trained and equipped to operate in prophetic healing with dominion and authority of Jesus to transform people to God’s Kingdom.


In fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, we extend our community service to reach out to the needy and pray for the needs and welfare of the people. Through our outreach, we are the light and salt to manifest the love of God.


We equip believers with training programs such as Prophetic Divine Healing, Spiritual Warfare and Outreach. Believers will be able to reach out to the needy, pray and disciple


Our community is important to us. We befriend the community and distribute food to the needy


We pray for those in need of healing and restoration of faith in God in the Name of Jesus

Tom Scarrella Ministries - Operation:Mercy is on a mission to build REVIVAL HOUSE East Africa orphanage, and sustain its operation for its pivotal first five years.


An estimated 6 million children are orphans in just Uganda and Tanzania alone.


REVIVAL HOUSE will be a home parented by Spirit-filled, Christian “mothers and fathers” who will provide their children with food, clothing and shelter in a full care facility. REVIVAL HOUSE children will be shown and taught the unconditional love of Jesus and they will attend school as they are transformed into strong, dauntless Christians who will become a powerful impact in their world.

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